Profound Awareness Community News

When Camelot Died

I was in 12th grade, sitting in an English class on the morning of November 22, 1963 when someone burst in the room with the news that the president of the united States has been shot. On that day, the PROMISE of CAMELOT died. And something died within many of us that day as well as the president. A deep sadness for a vision of an equitable humnanity.

I think MANY of us young people at least knew in our hearts that the vision would go undergraound for decades. Even our brilliant young musicians felt it too. For me the SOUNDS of SILENCE by Simon and Garfunkel was an incredible testimony to this generational distress. Our music changed.

It has now been over 50 years. And there is a glimmer of a hope to a return to the VISION of a hopeful positive future is gleaming in our eyes – IF we can just take it!

Please take a moment to enjoy (I’ve still gotta learn how to embed in wordprss)

Bernie Sounds of Silence

Blessings on you all.

Posted in: World Vision

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  1. Lucky July 19, 2016

    That’s a knowing answer to a diuicfflt question

  2. Jodie September 12, 2016

    The issue and strongest factor is not “who or what is in the White House”, but rather “who or what is in our hearts as individuals.” Politics is meant to be one tool of an infinite number wherein any soul willing can work on bringing forth unselfishness, but no politician can ever legislate what is in another’s heart and mind. It is the difference between thinking that which will save us is external to us and that which will save us is within us. It is good to pray and hope for the success of helpful people but the same kind of death happened 2000 years ago. The purpose being to point out that making the planet or this country a better place to live is 2nd to making our hearts and minds a better place for God to live.