Many families have requested a list of books, potential metaphysical mentors and/or programs and asked how to connect with community in their local areas.BOOKS:
Some ago we created a list of some helpful reads in your journey’s in self discovery. Hey! it’s not complete! Just some place to start. Please let us know your favorities too.
Links to ProgramsMENTORS: We are in the process of building a list of experienced metaphysical mentors.
Nancy and Friends are creating a new paradigm Intuitive Arts/”Spiritual intelligence” curriculum for self learners and home educators. Watch for Nancy Baumgarten’s forth coming book, Profound Awareness. 
Whether you are a parent raising a intuitively aware kid or an an adult wanting to “recover” your own former capacities, this book has been written for you by a parent of a multidimensional young person based upon her 20 years of ‘lessons-learned’.
No longer can we only talk about 5 senses . . . . but 55+ senses of 5 Systems, and 15 base Human Powers Systems. Learn about your scientifically validated biofield sense perceptions that join our regular senses. For parents, educators, therapists to hold fast their sacred trust in nurturing from the Soul.
The following books are especially dear to our heart as they are written by our friends and colleagues who have given so much of themselves to help awaken humanity to the gloriousness of their full being for many years now, and especially generous of their time and energy for our camp school & vision. 
“Children’s spiritual experiences have been neglected by psychologists over the decades. Tobin Hart has attempted to fill this unfortunate gap by interviewing girls and boys, integrating his data into mainstream psychological knowledge. The results can be found in {this} book with surprises and insights in every chapter. Most of his readers will never view children in quite the same way again.” Stanley Krippner, Ph.D
Also check out our extensive suggestions accessed by the links above
“This book is like love’s tuning fork. It vibrates within you wherever you’re stuck, wherever you’re ready to get unstuck, and wherever chords of pure Spirit are already singing you joyously whole. Stop, listen, and for God’s sake dance!”
~ Raphael Cushnir, Author of Setting Your Heart on Fire, Unconditional Bliss, and How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment
Linda Iribarren’s What if You Can Change the World? offers a brilliant and soul-uplifting new paradigm educational tool to nurture the rich inner awareness of each person. The deceptively simple What if Process is not just a nice “extra,” but should be used by every school in America to awaken or recharge the vast creativity and problem solving capacity available to all persons.
—Nancy Baumgarten, MLA, Profound Awareness Alliance, and Author of the forthcoming, Profound Awareness: Nurturing Creativity and the Inner Senses |