Program Highlights

[ Lab Classes & Field Trips  [
experiential education:
a family camp for gifted summer enrichment

Sessions at several age group levels are conducted each year in a unique interactive style for personal development.  Here are some unique CORE presentations each year, plus following are some SAMPLES of other programs
(Many More to Come):

Your Many-Splendored Senses & Powers!
Biobody & Biofield sensory awareness games

Nancy K Baumgarten, M.L.A.

In this 4-session core program experience hands-on your bioField (psi-sensory) perceptual capacities, starting with refining your bioBody senses and progressing to how they are involved in natural human MindField (soul) powers to affect change within yourself and change in the world.  Building focussed awareness capacity is a lifelong endeavor. What’s your main sensory awareness style? What are your predominant personal powers?  Fun experiential classes with games builds self recognition and new skills.


 Applied Intuition Dowsing Program

Lee Barnes, Ph.D., Environmental botanist, Master Dowser

Lee’s wonderfully fun Dowsing program is a 3-session class that helps develop discernment, sensitivity to earth energies and how to deal with those you don’t want as well.   We will practice and learn new methods each time we take this class.  Both L-rods and pendulum are taught to all age groups as the most basic of grounded psi skills. Science shows that a dowser in action is using more part of the brainwave frequency than any other meditative method.  L-Rods will be given to those who have not taken the course before. Training pendulums will be available, but if you have a desire to own a fine pendulum of your choosing we suggest that you acquire one before coming to class. We’ll help you to make it your own!  Or we will have some for sale through our local dowser organization.


Soul Source Energy Healing
Forrest Green, M.A. Humanistic Clinical Psychology

     We  are LIGHT and we are ENERGY.  How does this affect our health and how can we use this awareness to enhance our well being?  Healing of the  human body, mind and spirit has been approached in many ways though many ages of time.  Today many ancient methods of  healing are being explored, updated and validated with scientific based information.   This presentation will offer an exploration of the energy healing approach and provide hands-on experiences and applications in exploring our health, wholeness and well  being.


Qi-gong (Chi Kung)
Michael Teeters

Mike will take us on a journey honoring our breath from our original spirit thru our senses and out into the world we live  in.  This journey will be presented with QiGong (pronounced Chee  Gong.), an ancient energetic art with a known history of 6000 years. Qigong is a Chinese word that literally means “breathing the life force. Mike has studied the art of Qigong in depth from many great teachers, traveled to Tibet and China twice, teaches regularly and very excited to share this art with you.
Each day we honor a new phase or element of our life breath as expressed  through our spirit, internal organs and our sensing glands with corresponding animal movements, colors, sounds, directions, planets, earth minerals, earth elements, balanced emotions and unbalanced  emotions.  We will trace the pathways from our original spirit out into the world we live in and back to our origin.  We will breathe the life force in a way that honors our own nature and our connection to the  nature around us.


Enchanted Faerie Walkabout.
 John Springer

Joyous spirit-led walk through forest observing the unexpected; perhaps awakening your inner eyes while perceiving anew the outer world. A former boy scout leader, landscape architect John Springer has been leading small and large groups through their own local state parks, city parks and elsewhere, amazing families with their new ability to see fairies and other wee folk – just for the allowing with new eyes.


Spirit in the Trees and Ghosts in the Ether   FIELD TRIP
and a new version of a Socratic Walk

Many of Us

Learning the fine intricacies of caring for our lost ghost people. Learning to BE in the silence of the Trees. What do they say? While on our way to the historic Asheville Cemetery that includes heritage trees, we will collect into small groups for discussion of your most important question. Is it how to deal with unruly ghosts? Or the humor of dealing with them? Is that a trickster spirit or something else? What do your walking companions feel and sense?  What would Socrates Say? Humans walk right into the alpha brainwave state where relaxed solutions exist…

What if You CAN Change the World?

Linda Iribarren,

Have you all heard of the existential “intelligence”? It’s not taught in grade school or and barely in high school; but the Harvard educator, Howard Gardner identified it. SO, let’s build it. What is that? It’s not just asking profound questions… eventually it’s finding ways to answer those questions for ourselves. Like, ‘Who am I”, What would happen if I stopped believing I didn’t know what I know? Trusting in the inner voice. Linda Iribarren has created the best anthology of western truisms, aphorisms that lead to questioning reality and the growth and change that comes from the process.


Forrest Green, M.A. Humanistic Clinical Psychology
An experiential exploration of Personal and Planetary Energy Healing.


The Laughter Meditation
Ronda Still, Psychology

Ronda has been studying some really fun and powerful types of meditation that we would love to try out! Will get more info on this up soon.

Dealing with the Less-than-Light Problems
Joan Budnick Trager, R.N.

For some participants, there are troublesome “negative” activity. Joan has studied with and can show us options for managing…

Mandalas “Circles of Rainbow Light”: Experience the radiant light of your mandalas, as we ignite our joyful rainbow energy.
Nancy David and Martha Kiger


Light of Nature through Sound and Movement.
Forrest Green, M.A. Humanistic Clinical Psychology

Being present in our bodies and listening to the messages our bodies provide.  Exploring and expressing common, everyday human movements and of nature (plants, animals, weather) though music and art for young people of all ages.

ORBS SPEAK – The Phenomenon
Forrest Green; John Springer; Mike Teeters and Others

With the advent of digital photography, many people are capturing ORBS of LIGHT in their photographs.  What are they, what do the represent and what messages do they offer?  Are they merely photographic anomalies, camera lens flare, dust or water drops?  Are they cherubs, angels, will o’ wisps, fairies, spirits?  These questions will be explored together as pictures are shown, impressions are shared and together we will come to a deeper awareness and understanding of this phenomenon.

Primordial QiGong
Michael Teeters

A  special form of Chi Gong called “Wuji Gong” in the mornings before breakfast.  Primordial QiGong is a magical 800 year old ceremony that combines the original moves of Tai Chi with Feng Shui, Chi Gong and Taoist Internal Alchemy in a dance of spirals honoring the directions while collecting the forces of Heaven and Earth retracing our spirit back to the source.  This is a highly centering and grounding exercise that can be done in about 15 minutes.  It takes a couple of hours to learn so show up the first morning and we will get started.

On one afternoon, Mike will lead us on a journey with  the trees. We will spend time communicating with trees, learning about their own spiritual life and about how they relate to us.

[ Activities  [

  • Swimming
  • Beach Volleyball
  • World Peace & Social Justice Forum and Meditation.
  • Games night, perking your perception in 3-D!
  • Tree Identification Walk;
  • Cooperative Games
  • Mountain Hiking Trails
  • Perceptual skills teams
  • Breath and Consciousness
  • Photography and ORBS

Each year we custom tailor our sessions for the participants involved.
If your family has any specific needs or interests, please contact us now.
With each new year’s program we are refining a
new paradigm integral curriculum for the Intuitive Human.